Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Essay Question 6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Through making my opening title sequence i have learnt many key technologies through the process. First of all i have learnt alot about the type of equipment i have needed to create my sequence, because without one of them, the sequence would of not been made. Starting from the beggininng it was key to buy a DV tape to use to film my sequence, this would have all my footage i have used to produce this and through the process if loosing it could have been costly. Therefore i have realised, through learning the process of making a film with technologies, you also have to organised. I also was unaware of what a tri-pod was at the begginning of the process, through engaging more and more with practise and with the sequences practice shoots, it certainly taught me how to position key shots to use and also how to keep silly mistakes such as loose shots and jerky pans to a minimum. This shows how much importance is of the equipment and more importantly, how to use it.

When making our prelimary task, i was a novice at trying to create the perfect piece of footage, this was without knowing the simple terms of camera movement, shots, shot meaning and quite frank, actual different camera shots. This task was sucessful in the fact of getting me into using the camera and although producing a low piece of work, it opened my eyes and familirised with the camera. I also saw through making this first task how to put shots together, realising to back then, a hard task thought of is now a task i would thrive into doing. therefore from the prelimary task i learnt alot about technologies of making the sequence.

When beggining my opening title sequence process, i had a rough idea of location, shots and thoughts of what i wanted it to be, therefore from the start of the process and making reference to my prelimary tasks i had clear shots i wanted to use. I also began to use the shots when i began to understand representations of shots, mid shot for example. Thereforei was beginning to enjoy creating my sequence, through it my knowledge grew about the technologies due to experimenting with shots, camera angles and even the same scenes from different positions.

The final task after my footage was complete was to edit in finl cut pro. When only using i-movie beforehand, i found final cut pro harder then first glance, i began to also experiment with the effects and gain knowledge as i edited more and more of my film, the film was first cut to five minutes in which was too long, therefore i had lots of trouble cutting out shots to fit the time scale, i eventualy went down to three minutes then finally trying to keep the best shots to make the sequence complete. Where i had so much footage, i had to much to include. i then realised the effect titles can play by breaking up shots and continuety to produce an quickly cut piece, through the use of editing i learnt that editing is a technologie that can change the complete scenes of continuety into broken down shots which is better outcome due to frequent cutting and shakey titles.

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