Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Essay Question 3- What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think my sequence would need to be produced by an institute that produced well known successful films such as Saw, but then when researching, I found Hammer film productions. Hammer film productions has produced lots of different films, as well as creating science fiction, horror is their main productions. I would choose hammer film productions because they are very successful when producing and distributing as they managed to distribute worldwide, this due to good connections with Warner bros in the United States. I believe this English production fits perfectly with my sequence in order to make it a success.

In the terms of the sequence becoming a worldwide success, I believe it appeals to a number of people of the world who can relate to the sequence and engage with it, therefore being distrusted around the world would enable lots of people to consume the film, creating lots of revenue in sales. From creating lots of revenue the film could then be produced and distributed to DVD where another production could buy the rights to sell it creating more money, this a way in which most institutions make their money through all of these processes.

In the terms of franchising my product, I feel that it would not be as successful in doing this because a horror film does not give too much away in the terms of some characters, therefore creating lots of merchandise might take away the emphasise on some characters. I feel that a big success would be through a conversion with a mobile phone company to produce a ringtone of ‘indication the stalker will attack’ therefore this may make lots of success due to the fact it would be cool for the teens to have this on their phone.

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